The annual conference brings together international research, new reconstructions and critical debate in dance and performing arts history. 2024 marks the 450th birth anniversary of Anne of Denmark, the first Queen of Scotland, England and Ireland, and also a crucial woman in the history of female performance due to her patronage and participation in masques, theatrical and dancing productions at the Stuart court. Women in Dance: Patronage, Performance and Pedagogy pays homage to this anniversary and other important figures and events under this topic.
EADH welcomes academics, practitioners, and anyone interested in the juxtaposition of ‘then’ and ‘now’, past and present achievements, problems and challenges faced by ‘Women in Dance’. In that context, some of the topics of discussion we propose are, amongst others:
Female patronage in dance from Anne of Denmark & Catherine de Medicis to Ninette de Valois
Unknown stories: patronesses, lady directresses, choreographers, dancing mistresses
Women and technology: from flying machines and tourne-hanches to AI
Practice and research in female dance education
Female creativity in the ballroom and on stage
The changing image of the chorus girl: female dancers in print, paintings, and caricatures
Creating the ideal: bodies and costumes in theatrical and social dancing
Female homosocial dance traditions and practices.
Other proposals on general topics are also welcomed.
We welcome submissions for the presentation of papers (25 min) or posters (the later particularly from undergraduate and postgraduate students), demonstrations (15 min) and workshops (45 min).
Please send proposals of about 200 words to by Sunday, 28 April 2024, stating any technical requirement. If live demonstration is a significant part of your paper, please indicate this for planning purposes. More details available on the EADH website
This conference is promoted in collaboration with Dance & History e.V.: